Evolution of the Authentic Self

From the time we are infants, we are taught to exist according to the rules, beliefs, filters and ideas of others.  Society molds us and shapes us into the people they want us to be.  We may start off with a very unique or individual personality and perspective on life but over time that gets extinguished.  We are reared, and fully expected, to comply with what and how society says we should think, act and believe.  Some people live their entire lives this way and are content doing so.  They have no desire to look deeper or understand the bigger picture.  Others of us find ourselves embarking on the evolution of the authentic self, either voluntarily or involuntarily.  For us, at some point we find ourselves asking questions like Who Am I?  Why do I feel this void inside me?  How did I become this person I am today?  Is this the person I really want to be?  Does this person I have become feel authentic to me? We start by asking questions like these but few of us ever realize where this asking will ultimately take us.

As we embark on this evolutionary process, we start peeling back the layers of ourselves like layers of an onion to find who we are at our core.  We go in search of our true, authentic self.  In finding that, we learn how to build a persona and a life that supports our authentic self.  We redesign ourselves from the inside out… We undergo a metamorphosis from the person society created to the person we want to be.  We start to question what society says and does, and we ask ourselves if what they are doing and saying is in alignment with this new person we are becoming.  We begin to truly think for ourselves.  We make decisions that are right for us, not ones that society says we should make.  We take control of our own lives and life experiences.  We learn that we are far more than our bodies and we have much greater control over what happens in our lives than society would have us believe.  We change our mindset to one of love, forgiveness and compassion because we feel those very same things about life.  We raise our vibration because are we happier with our new sense of being and have a higher level of consciousness.  We recognize we’re all connected and we do our part to help the whole of humanity.  All of this because we chose to liberate ourselves from the conformity and controllability of society.  We chose to live a life of our own design and by our own standards, not someone else’s.

We all have our own path to travel in this life. We all have things we need to experience and lessons we need to learn. Not all of us will live authentic lives or awaken in this lifetime and that’s something we must all accept. The evolution of the authentic self will not be something everyone experiences but is something everyone can if they choose to (and in some cases, even if they don’t choose it). Living a life that is in alignment with who you are at your core is probably the most fulfilling way one can live. As we evolve and grow authentically, we simply feel more love, more peace and more happiness.

See related posts: What Is Freedom In Life, The Power of Choice, Be The Hero of Your Journey

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