It’s Your Intuition Talking…

Many people understand what intuition is but have a hard time discerning with incoming information what’s intuition and what’s not. Honestly, it can be really hard to differentiate and I’m speaking from personal experience. Sometimes we “hear” conflicting things and don’t know what’s ego and what’s intuition. Sometimes we want something so bad our internal desire for that thing is much stronger than what our intuition is telling us about that thing. In these kinds of situations, it’s really hard to tell if it’s just something you want of if it’s your intuition talking.

The way I try to discern between the two is to identify where I “hear” the intuition. If it’s something I get in my head, it’s often my ego talking. If it comes from my heart space or my fourth Chakra area, it’s usually my intuition. And sometimes it comes through as a strong gut feeling, and that’s always my intuition. I suspect different people receive intuition in different ways, but for me, my intuition comes through as a deep knowing. I refer to it as hearing it but use that term very loosely since I don’t really hear it at all. There are plenty of times I do hear guidance in my head as if someone is talking to me but those are my Guides talking, that’s not my intuition.

Our intuition is part of our internal guidance system but we have to be tuned in to hearing it. If we don’t provide a regular quiet mind as a means for it to come through, it can be difficult to receive it. Some people’s intuition, mine included when I was young, can be incredibly strong and come through even without any effort on our part. It’s always there, it’s just a matter of whether we “hear” it or not. When it’s your intuition talking, it might not be the guidance you want to hear but will always be the guidance that’s in your highest good. It comes from a place of pure love and light, where the trivialities of human life don’t exist. It’s always in your best interest, even if it doesn’t appear that way.

See related posts: What is Intuition

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