Transcending Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs are those belief systems we hold that keep us from growing and expanding, and keep us small. They are learned thought patterns about things like what we can and can’t do or should or shouldn’t do. They can lower our self worth and limit what we think is possible. They can be about any number of things but they always cause us to relinquish our power in some way. Often times they are inherited and they are always societally derived. We only need to look at children to see a perfect example of this. They are young enough that they have not yet been fully indoctrinated into society’s way of thinking and whole heartedly believe they can do anything they want to do. They are masters at transcending limiting beliefs.

I bought into this lock, stock and barrel my entire life. I fully adhered to these indoctrinated belief systems and although I wanted more, either didn’t believe it was possible or didn’t believe I was worthy of it. I have always been an independent thinker but never really questioned authority or went against it. I did what I was expected to do. It’s really just been the last several years that I have begun to dive into what I think and believe, and where those come from. I have done a complete 180 on many things I previously believed because I realized those were societally driven. When I clearly looked at those thoughts and beliefs, they weren’t in alignment with what “I” believed to be true. Transcending limiting beliefs has quite literally changed my life. I am now able to differentiate between what’s real and what society says is real, what’s possible versus what society says is possible. I approach things from a higher, more Universal. perspective and understand the typical belief systems are intended to keep us from the ultimate expansion we as souls came here to accomplish.

Transcending limiting beliefs doesn’t mean we go around breaking all the rules or being wreckless though. What it does mean is that we think for ourselves and decide for ourselves what’s true and what’s conditioning. Humanity is awakening at an unprecedented rate right now and learning that there is so much more to our existence than what we have been taught. We as a collective are finally learning that we are much more than our physical bodies and minds, and that we have far more control over our lives than we previously thought. We’re also learning to think for ourselves and listen to our inner guidance, even if it means going against common belief.

See related posts: Thinking For Ourselves, The Power Of “I Can’t”, Listening To Guidance

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